Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Update (and a few pics from our recent trip to Chile)

For those of you who haven't yet heard, Mike and I are heading off to Bangkok, Thailand at the end of February (and will be there for six months). I am going to be volunteering with an organization that provides legal representation to refugees and asylum seekers in Thailand, and Mike is in the process of lining up a job over there. Even though we will miss all of you (and Oscar) dearly, we are absolutely thrilled about this opportunity. As you all know, I have really been searching for fulfillment in my legal career and I think I am finally on the right path . . . .

Hopefully we will get a chance to see all of you before we leave!

Love, Karen

Back in the saddle! :)


. . . to Cheryl and Rene! We can't wait for the new addition!

Love, Mike and Karen

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy new year, guys! I am looking forward to a healthy, happy 2008 for all of us!! And, congrats to Fresno State, Oregon, and USC on their bowl victories!! (Tough loss for UCLA...)

Sorry Mike and I couldn't make it up to the cabin this weekend -- we ended up heading up to Tahoe for a friend's birthday. Hopefully we will be able to make it up another weekend. (Perhaps in February? January is pretty tough because my Inn of Court team has our presentation on January 15, so we have rehearsals the next couple of weekends, and then Mike and I are off to Chile on January 18.)

Any plans for Louise's birthday on Thursday?

Will someone post some of the pictures from Christmas (especially the group pic)? Thanks!!

Love, Karen