Saturday, June 20, 2009

Update from the Nelson-Ramirez-Callahan family

Julia graduated from junior high this month. She gave a speech on thankfulness and change through life experiences. She sang wonderful world with some 8th grade girls from choir. She was one of three valedictorians. I am inspired by her dedication and enthusiasm for whatever it is that she chooses to do.

Brianna graduated from the sixth grade in a small ceremony. She did well in the sixth grade. She has had quite an adjustment in three different schools in the past three years. She is really maturing into a young lady.

Ranier has moved north to Modesto. He is working in the office at farm supply and is now a dad. Tomorrow will be his first father's day.

Kristie recently graduated from her master's program in psychology. She began her new program with a bang. In June she began two new classes and attended a residency in Los Angeles.

Happy father's day, Sam. We love you!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

At Last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Analysis of Variance between Attachment Style and Self-reports of Perception of Marital Conflict in Married Parents of Young Children has been approved by the Chief Academic Officer. Graduation is set for May 24, 2009. Thank you to St. Jude for his intercession- those prayers really worked.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Good News...sort of

So, you've all probably heard that my job at Gap got eliminated. They offered me another job. A step down, but the pay is the same. I decided to take it and stay gainfully employed. Your Friends and Family day discounts will continue to arrive in the mail!