Saturday, June 20, 2009

Update from the Nelson-Ramirez-Callahan family

Julia graduated from junior high this month. She gave a speech on thankfulness and change through life experiences. She sang wonderful world with some 8th grade girls from choir. She was one of three valedictorians. I am inspired by her dedication and enthusiasm for whatever it is that she chooses to do.

Brianna graduated from the sixth grade in a small ceremony. She did well in the sixth grade. She has had quite an adjustment in three different schools in the past three years. She is really maturing into a young lady.

Ranier has moved north to Modesto. He is working in the office at farm supply and is now a dad. Tomorrow will be his first father's day.

Kristie recently graduated from her master's program in psychology. She began her new program with a bang. In June she began two new classes and attended a residency in Los Angeles.

Happy father's day, Sam. We love you!

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